Arctic Peoples’ Conference_Old

Arctic Peoples’ Conference 1973 second resolution:

“The conference proposes to forma Circumpolar Body of Indigenous Peoples to pursue andadvance our shared and collective interests. We emphasize that we are profoundlyconcerned about protecting now the interests of succeeding generations of our peoples. Asa consequence this conferencehas resolved to form a Working Committee consisting ofrepresentatives of each group.The committee be given responsibilities to explore most practical ways and means offormulating a permanent body:a.To explore continuing financial support from all sourcesb.To report and make recommendations to its members and to advise its members ofall actions carried out by the Working Committeec.To distribute all information to its membersd.To advertise and receive suggestions for permanent title to the proposed bodyThe deadline for this part of the work is July 1st, 1974” (cf. Kleivan 1992).

Read more: Arctic Peoples’ Conference_Old

Arctic Peoples’ Conference 1973–2023-50 years of Arctic Indigenous Diplomacy

A collection of articles describing the 50 years of Arctic Indigenous advocacy anddiplomacy in reaching the achievements, meeting challenges, andcarvingoutsolutions.Closedcall for abstractsThe first Arctic Peoples’ Conference took place in Copenhagen November 22ndto 25th, 1973.The groundbreaking and successful conference demonstrated mutual understanding andconcern for the urgent challenges facing all the peoplesrepresented andwas the start ofstrong partnerships among Arctic Indigenous Peoples, theirorganizations,andrepresentative institutions.Commemorating the first Arctic Peoples’ Conference, the Inuit Circumpolar Council and theSaami Council will host a 50thanniversary conference in Ilulissat, Greenland, July 20thand21st, 2023.The purpose of the 50thanniversary Arctic Peoples’Conference, is to celebrate thecooperation, successes, and achievements of Arctic Indigenous Peoples, while taking stockof the current situation, and discussing visions for the next 50 years.PublicationThe 1973 Arctic Peoples’Conference was well described and reported in academia and, i.a.,in IWGIA’s newsletter. In connection with the 2023 Arctic Peoples’ Conference, a collectionof articles written by Indigenous and other experts will be published. The articles willdescribethe 50 years of Arctic Indigenous advocacy and diplomacy in reaching theachievementsand solutionswhile describing current challenges. Inuit Circumpolar Council,Saami Council and IWGIA will co-edit the publication, which will be published by IWGIA.The publication will consistof an introduction, and analysis of the 2023 Arctic Peoples’Conference and8-10 articlesof 2-3000 words.The articles should be reflectiveand be based on the 2023 Arctic Peoples’ Conferencepurpose of describing what has been achieved, and what are the challenges for the future.The language is English.DeadlinesInvite authorsApril–May, 2023Abstracts of proposed articles must be sent to the editors at the latestMay 15th, 2023. Deadline for submission of articlesSeptember 1st, 2023. Publication dateNovember 25th, 2023.


IWGIA: Jens Dahl

Inuit Circumpolar Council: Sara Olsvig

Saami Council: Áslat Holmberg